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Ten Tech Productivity Life Hacks to Save Time – Webinar

Are you overwhelmed by the multitude of apps

Event Overview

Are you overwhelmed by the multitude of apps, services, and platforms in use today? Learn how to streamline data management across different systems with our live webinar. Explore tools like IFTTT, Flow, and Zapier, along with desktop apps like Power Query and programming techniques like VBA and M. Boost efficiency, minimize errors, and cut costs within your organization. Ideal for DIY enthusiasts aiming to master data management effectively! Gain valuable insights into tool capabilities, limitations, and real-world applications for your organization.

Event Sessions

Monday, December 23, 2024
Day #1
Ten Tech Productivity Life Hacks to Save Time
Computer Software and Applications | 2 Credits
Stephen Yoss
09:00 AM to 11:00 AM America/Los_Angeles

Today’s busy professional has an ever-expanding workload, but delivery timelines are decreasing. We have more meetings, more emails, and more work projects. Outside of work, we have increased family and social obligations. Simply, there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. We all could benefit from an extra hour of productivity throughout the day.
Effectively using technology in your personal and business life is a great way to get more mileage out of your day. This course will look at 10 different tools or services that can make your life easier or take the headache out of mundane tasks. We will look at tools that simplify scheduling appointments, take the hassle out of tracking time, improve data sharing between applications, and more. Participants will leave this class with tips and tricks on shaving hours of time per week.

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Event Instructors

Stephen Yoss

Big Bear Lake, CA
Speaker & Author, CPE Today

Stephen M. Yoss, Jr., CPA, MS, is a certified public accountant, partner and CEO of Devmatics, LLC, a continuing education instructor for financial professionals, a and a licensed pyrotechnician. While his interests and skills are varied, they all share a common thread—his love for and skill in finding technology-based solutions. In 2017, Stephen and Alex White formed Devmatics, LLC, a company focused on helping organizations develop technology strategies to streamline their business operations. He specializes in taking on high-difficulty, mission-critical organizational issues that require technological expertise and an ability to find solutions to problems that no one else can answer. With all of his clients, he emphasizes the need to embrace technology at every opportunity and utilize the latest technological trends and breakthroughs in order to gain a competitive advantage while increasing efficiency and productivity.

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All of our seminars and conferences are NASBA approved  according to the Statement on Standards for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Programs (Standards).

Your Registration Includes:

  • Virtual live instructor lead presentation
  • Q&A with the live instructor
  • Course materials (PDF & Sample Materials)
  • One year access to course materials
  • Completion certificate

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